colors and codes for tput: bold, sgr0
- 0 → dark grey
- 1 → red
- 2 → green
- 3 → dark yellow
- 4 → dark blue
- 5 → mauve
- 6 → turquoise
- 7 → white
- 8 → lighter grey
- 9 → lighter red
- /etc/profile.d/
# ALIASES alias lsblk='lsblk -o NAME,SIZE,FSTYPE,LABEL,MOUNTPOINT,UUID,MODEL,SERIAL,STATE,TYPE' alias l='ls -lhX --group-directories-first' alias ssh='ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=100 -Y' alias rsyncdr="rsync --dry-run --itemize-changes -a --stats -h --filter='dir-merge /NOBACKUP' --filter='dir-merge /NOBACKUP.fichant11' --exclude='.~*'" alias rsynca="rsync --itemize-changes -a --stats -h --filter='dir-merge /NOBACKUP' --filter='dir-merge /NOBACKUP.fichant11' --exclude='.~*'" alias conda='unset PYTHONUSERBASE && conda' alias cp='cp --preserve=xattr' function lwhich { ls -lh $(which $1) } # PATH export PATH=$PATH:~/bin # PROMPT if [ "$EUID" == "0" ]; then export PSUSERCOL=1 else export PSUSERCOL=2 fi export PS1="$(tput -Txterm-256color bold ; tput -Txterm-256color setaf $PSUSERCOL)### $(tput -Txterm-256color setaf 7)\d \A $(tput -Txterm-256color setaf $PSUSERCOL)\u $(tput -Txterm-256color setaf 3)\H $(tput -Txterm-256color setaf 2)\w $(tput -Txterm-256color sgr0)\n\$ "
- ~/bin/csvview
#!/bin/bash set -o errexit function show_usage { cat <<EOF Usage: $0 [--help] [filename] View a CSV file at the command line. --help Show this help text. filename CSV file to be viewed EOF exit -1 } if [ "$1" == "--help" -o "$1" == "" ]; then show_usage fi column -ts $',' < "$1" | less -#.3 -N -S
- ~/bin/tsvview
#!/bin/bash set -o errexit function show_usage { cat <<EOF Usage: $0 [--help] [filename] View a TSV file at the command line. --help Show this help text. filename tabulated file to be viewed EOF exit -1 } if [ "$1" == "--help" -o "$1" == "" ]; then show_usage fi column -ts $'\t' < "$1" | less -#.3 -N -S